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The Tarot & The 13 Warrioresses: Embodying Tarot Energy

An Introduction

Tarot’s origins trace back to 15th-century Europe, specifically in Italy, where it was initially created as a card game known as
“tarocchi”. By the 18th century, Tarot cards began to be associated with esoteric practices, which linked the cards to ancient Egyptian mysteries and deeper spiritual symbolism. It was during this time that Tarot evolved into a tool for divination and self-reflection, as most of us know it today.

As Tarot became more widely used for fortune-telling and spiritual exploration, it began to be associated with witchcraft and the occult. This association between Tarot and witchcraft contributed to the negative reputation Tarot gained in certain societies, where it was feared and misunderstood. Like other esoteric practices, Tarot was seen as a threat to religious authority, leading to its association with “forbidden knowledge” and sorcery. This created an enduring stigma that lasted well into the modern era, with Tarot sometimes viewed as taboo or dangerous.

It is my belief that Tarot shows us the unknown and the unseen, what we have been unable (or sometimes unwilling) to look at or acknowledge. The cards serve as mirrors, reflecting hidden truths, suppressed emotions, or subconscious patterns that influence our lives. They offer insights into our deepest selves, bringing to light aspects of our journey that may be shrouded in confusion, fear, or avoidance.

Readings with the cards can illuminate the path ahead by showing us potential outcomes, guiding us through difficult decisions, and offering clarity in times of uncertainty. They reveal not only what is happening externally but also what is occurring within—our inner conflicts, desires, and the lessons we are ready to face. Tarot encourages self-awareness and personal growth, giving us the opportunity to confront what holds us back and align more deeply with our true purpose.

Each of the powerful Amazonian Arts 13 Warrioress archetypes is aligned with a specific Tarot card that reflects her energy, offering insights and guidance into your personal journey. By working with the Tarot, we can tap into the deeper layers of each archetype, harnessing their power to support us in our own transformations.

The Warrioresses

The Warrior Queen – Strength

The Warrior Queen embodies the graceful yet powerful energy of Strength, a card that speaks to inner resilience, compassion, and the mastery of self. We are shown with this combination that true power comes from within. Strength teaches us that true courage comes not from force, but from patience, control, and the ability to act with grace in the face of challenges. It is a reminder of the importance of taming our instinctual urges while understanding and accepting them.

Further, Strength is about releasing harsh judgements—both of ourselves and others—and embracing patience and compassion. It highlights the importance of fortitude, inner strength, and self-control. This card encourages taking responsibility for oneself at the highest level, learning to balance instinct with conscious action. Strength invites us to understand our inner power, acting with courage and calm in the most difficult situations, while allowing kindness to be our guiding force.

Energy ConnectionWhen working with The Warrior Queen and Strength, you are called to stand tall in your own power with grace and dignity. These energies help you cultivate patience and compassion, reminding you that true courage comes from within. By aligning with the Warrior Queen and the Strength card, you learn to master your instincts and take responsibility for your actions, moving through life with unwavering inner fortitude.


The Alchemist – The Devil

The Alchemist walks the path of transformation, much like The Devil, who represents the shadows we must confront to find liberation. The Alchemist guides us to see beyond illusions and break free from the chains that hold us back—whether they are fears, addictions, or limiting beliefs. The Devil encourages us to confront the patterns that keep us feeling trapped, offering an opportunity for deep transformation by recognising these shadows.

The Devil Tarot card highlights bondage, addiction, and a sense of being unclear about yourself. It points to situations where you may feel stuck or restricted, and where fear or over-investment in one area—especially material wealth—dominates. The Devil calls for an awareness of where you're giving away your power, urging you to regain control by understanding these patterns.

An extra note here for this card as it has a typically negative reputation, despite its challenging symbolism, The Devil card offers powerful opportunities for growth and liberation. It encourages us to look honestly at what binds us, and to reclaim our power. By facing these challenges head-on, we can gain clarity, transcend limitations, and transform our fears into freedom. The Devil also serves as a reminder that exploring our shadows can lead to greater self-awareness, making way for deeper spiritual growth.

Energy ConnectionWhen working with The Alchemist and The Devil, you are being invited to face the shadows in your life and transform them into strengths. Together, they remind you that recognising and confronting your fears or attachments is the first step toward reclaiming your power and transforming your life.


The Protectress – The Chariot

The Protectress is a force of determination, guiding us to move forward with purpose, this archetype embodies the assertive energy of The Chariot, representing life’s challenges, tests, and the perseverance needed to overcome obstacles. The Chariot teaches us to control our impulses and emotions, channelling them toward achieving our goals and protecting what we value most. The Chariot asks us to harness our inner strength, balancing opposing forces, and to keep moving forward with confidence and control. It reminds us that life is about progress, not perfection.

The Chariot also brings attention to the challenges we face and the effort required to rise above them. It encourages us to believe in what we have done, knowing that it is good enough. This card highlights the need for, the power of taking control, and the reminder that, like a chariot, we can only move forward. It also speaks to travel and exploration, both physical and spiritual, and the importance of maintaining faith in ourselves as we navigate life’s journey.

Energy Connection: When working with The Protectress and The Chariot, you are encouraged to face challenges head-on, trusting in your ability to overcome them. These energies help you stay assertive, maintain control, and believe in the path you’re forging. The Chariot's forward momentum aligns with The Protectress’s role as a fierce guardian, ensuring that you navigate life’s obstacles with strength, balance, and unwavering faith in yourself.


The Merciful One – The Moon

The Merciful One embodies the deeply intuitive and introspective energy of The Moon, a card that highlights the importance of trusting your instincts and facing your fears. The Moon often brings attention to the subconscious, revealing hidden truths and encouraging us to confront the uncertainties or illusions in our lives. It’s a reminder that while the path may not always be clear, listening to your intuition can guide you toward valuable insights and growth.

The Moon represents an opportunity to improve plans, guiding you to listen to your intuition while facing fears and growing stronger in the process. It suggests that events may be unfolding behind the scenes, and often warns of projecting fears onto present or future situations. The Moon encourages purging, releasing, and letting go of negative self-talk. It reveals deeper truths, bringing moments of revelation and lessons that are vital for personal growth. It reminds us to rely on our gut instincts, learning from the experiences we encounter.

Energy ConnectionWhen working with The Merciful One and The Moon, you are invited to look beyond the surface and trust the quiet, intuitive voice within. These energies encourage you to confront fears, release negativity, and embrace the lessons that arise during times of uncertainty. The Merciful One, with her compassionate nature, supports your journey through the emotional waves brought forth by The Moon, helping you grow stronger by facing your shadow and trusting the wisdom of your instincts.


The Priestess – The Hermit

The Priestess is a guardian of inner wisdom, just like The Hermit, who seeks solitude to gain clarity and insight. The Priestess invites you to turn inward, to quiet external distractions, and to listen to the voice of your higher self.  This is a journey into the self, seeking solace, comfort, and a deeper understanding of our own truths and divine connection.

The Hermit reflects the desire to spend time alone, searching for answers, and realising that the wisdom we seek is already within us. It is about having faith in who we are, trusting our inner guidance, and being willing to discover the deeper aspects of ourselves. The card encourages introspection, soul searching, and the pursuit of a deeper meaning in life. It also serves as a reminder not to waste energy on those who are not ready for the truths we seek.

Energy ConnectionWhen working with The Priestess and The Hermit, you are invited to go inward, to connect with the wisdom that resides in the quietest parts of yourself. Together, they teach you to trust your inner knowing, embrace solitude when needed, and to be patient with your soul's journey of self-discovery. The answers you seek are within, ready to be illuminated by your own inner light.


The Banshee – Death

The Banshee carries the transformative energy of Death, a card that signifies endings, release, and the opportunity for profound change. She is the ultimate Warrioress of the darkness, helping you release what no longer serves you so that you can step into new beginnings. Death is not about physical demise but rather the ending of cycles, habits, or attachments that no longer serve us. It represents the clearing away of the old to make space for new beginnings.

Death speaks to the release of unhealthy attachments, inviting peace and transformation by letting go. It offers great spiritual insights, encouraging us to relax into the process of change and welcome it as a positive force. Death reminds us to embrace endings as opportunities for starting over, living a life of deeper meaning and significance. It calls for clearing, cleansing, and making way for new possibilities by welcoming change with an open heart.

Energy Connection: Death’s energy allows for the shedding of old skins, while the Banshee empowers you to embrace transformation. Together, they call for acceptance of life’s cycles, reminding you that endings are the seeds of new life. 


The Artisan – The Empress

The Artisan embodies the creative, nurturing energy of The Empress, the archetype of abundance, fertility, and the beauty of the Earthly Mother. The Empress represents the flow of creative energy, encouraging you to cultivate and manifest beauty in your life. She is a reminder of the power of creation, whether it’s through art, personal projects, or the nurturing of relationships.

The Empress is the epitome of abundance, encouraging a deep connection with the natural world and its cycles. She teaches us to live in harmony with our own circles, showing ourselves kindness, care, and support. The Empress also connects us with feminine energy—inviting us to explore motherhood, sensuality, and luxury in all its forms. She asks us to nurture both ourselves and others, creating beauty not just externally, but also in the way we live and move through the world.

Energy Connection: When working with The Artisan and The Empress, you are invited to nurture your creative potential, to manifest abundance, and to engage in the act of creation with grace and compassion. Whether it’s through artistic expression, self-care, or connecting with the natural world, these energies guide you to live in alignment with your creative and nurturing self. The Empress’s energy supports fertility in all forms—creativity, projects, and personal growth—while the Artisan channels this abundant energy into tangible creations that uplift and inspire.


The Wildling – The Star

The Wildling embodies freedom and untamed spirit, qualities reflected in The Star. She invites you to trust in the universe’s guidance, to heal, and to allow your authentic self to shine brightly. Aligned with the hopeful and transformative energy of The Star, a card that represents renewal, serenity, and the fulfillment of dreams. The Star brings a sense of hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance, reminding us that even after difficult times, healing and transformation are always possible. It is a card of blessings, encouraging us to be open to the universe’s support.

The Star also signifies happy times and dreams coming true, a deep sense of hope and spiritual renewal. It encourages you to open yourself to healing, transformation, and forgiveness. The card also brings awareness of self-esteem, self-respect, and the importance of trusting in yourself. The Star calls on you to embody a generous spirit, sharing your gifts and blessings with others while being open to receiving the support of the universe.

Energy ConnectionWhen working with The Wildling and The Star, you are encouraged to embrace your free spirit and openness to life's possibilities. The Wildling’s untamed energy aligns with The Star’s message of renewal and hope, inviting you to reconnect with your dreams and spiritual purpose. Together, they guide you toward self-healing, self-trust, and the belief that you are blessed and supported in your journey as you walk the road less travelled, illuminated by divine hope. The Star reminds you to remain open to transformation and the beauty of life's unfolding.


The Huntress – The Fool

The Huntress aligns with The Fool, symbolising new beginnings, untapped potential, and the call to follow your heart. The Fool invites us to take a leap of faith, to trust in the journey ahead, no matter how uncertain or unconventional it may seem. It’s about embracing the unknown with an open heart and a sense of adventure.

The Fool speaks to the act of starting out on a new path, reminding us of the opportunities and highest potential that life offers. It encourages us to seize those opportunities with a free spirit, leaving behind the road from heaven and stepping boldly into the unknown. It’s a reminder to embrace your inner child, follow your heart, and view the world with wonder and awe, no matter how foolish it may feel. This card urges you to keep your heart open and trust that life is guiding you toward your true purpose.

Energy Connection: When you work with the Huntress and The Fool, you are encouraged to approach life with curiosity and courage. Together, they remind you that every new beginning carries the possibility of growth and transformation, if you are willing to trust your instincts and leap into the unknown. The Huntress encourages you to take risks, guided by intuition and purpose, while The Fool reminds you that every journey begins with a single step.


The Lore Keeper – Justice

The Lore Keeper is the guardian of wisdom and truth, and aligns with Justice. She calls on you to act with integrity and to seek balance in all areas of life. Justice reflects the importance of making conscious decisions and considering the impact of those choices on ourselves and others. It reminds us to act with integrity and maintain a sense of fairness in all we do.

Justice also encourages well-ordered thoughts and actions, urging us to make decisions that are fair and just for all. It speaks to the importance of balance and taking responsibility for our choices, understanding that every action has a consequence. Justice asks us to learn the rules of cause and effect and act accordingly, always striving to do what we know is right.

Energy ConnectionWhen working with The Lore Keeper and Justice, you are encouraged to act with clarity and fairness, maintaining balance in all aspects. The Lore Keeper brings the wisdom of ancient truths, while Justice ensures that you apply those truths responsibly and justly. Together, they remind you to be mindful of your actions and to hold yourself accountable for the impact you create, always striving to bring balance and harmony into your world.


The Messenger – The Lovers

The Messenger aligns with the energy of The Lovers, symbolising deep connections, soul bonds, and choices made from the heart. The Lovers card reflects union—whether with lifelong friends, soul mates, or even a deeper connection with oneself. It represents the harmonious alignment of values and the importance of making choices that are true to your heart.

The Lovers speaks to the profound relationships that shape our lives, whether they are friendships, partnerships, or soul connections. It also highlights the importance of clarity around personal beliefs and values, guiding us to understand what we truly stand for. This card encourages us to seek higher guidance before making significant decisions, reminding us that love, in all its forms, connects us to the divine. The power of three—the union of two souls and the divine—is at the heart of The Lovers, urging us to reflect on the meaning of love in our lives.

Energy Connection: When working with The Messenger and The Lovers, you are called to consider your relationships and the choices you make in alignment with your heart’s true desires. This card encourages you to explore the meaning of love in all its dimensions—self-love, partnership, and connection to the divine—and to seek guidance when making decisions that affect your path forward. The Lovers’ energy enhances your ability to form meaningful connections, while The Messenger encourages you to communicate openly and authentically. Together, they remind you that love is the ultimate guide on your path.


The Archeress – Temperance

The Archeress is aligned with Temperance, the card of balance and moderation. She teaches you to aim with precision, not only in your actions but also in how you balance the forces in your life. With this combination you are encouraged to find equilibrium, blending opposing forces to create a sense of peace and clarity. It invites us to approach life with patience and purpose, maintaining calm even in the midst of challenges.

Temperance represents the careful balance of ideas, experiences, and skills, encouraging a middle-ground approach. It reminds us to take our time, follow our gentle inner guidance, and act with precision. This card highlights the importance of working in harmony with others, blending talents and expertise to achieve a clear, long-term vision. Temperance calls for moderation and patience, reminding us that with the right mix of actions and timing, we can achieve our goals with grace and purpose.

Energy Connection: Temperance’s energy encourages you to find equilibrium in your relationships, work, and personal growth, while The Archeress helps you focus your intentions with clarity and precision. Together, they guide you to trust in the timing of your life, working in harmony with others and your own inner wisdom.


The Medicine Woman – The World

The Medicine Woman embodies the energy of The World, representing completion, wholeness, and mastery. She teaches you to embrace the totality of your being and to find healing by seeing yourself as a connected part of the larger whole. The World represents a time of integration, celebration, and spiritual growth, marking the culmination of hard work and perseverance.

The World speaks to the fulfilment that comes after enduring challenges and hardships, which have made you stronger and wiser. It reflects the joy and contentment of being in the right place, doing the right thing at the right time. The World invites you to celebrate your accomplishments with gratitude, recognising how you fit into the bigger picture. It’s a card of well-earned praise, spiritual insight, and the sharing of your gifts and talents with the world.

Energy ConnectionWhen working with The Medicine Woman and The World, you are called to acknowledge and celebrate your growth. These energies reflect the journey you’ve endured and the wisdom you’ve gained along the way. The Medicine Woman helps you integrate the lessons and spiritual insights you’ve gathered, while The World signals a moment of fulfilment and purpose. Together, they encourage you to share your talents, embrace your role in the bigger picture, and take pride in how far you’ve come.


Practical Ways to Work with the Warrioresses & Tarot Cards

As you journey through the Warrioress Pathways, I share here some practical ways to incorporate the Tarot cards into your practice:

  • Altar Placement: Place the card of the Warrioress you are working with on your altar to honour her energy. Use it as a focal point for your meditation or rituals.
  • Meditation: Hold the card in your hands while meditating, asking for guidance from the Warrioress and the Tarot card’s energy. Visualise how their combined energy can support your current intentions.
  • Cleansing and Clearing: Use the Tarot cards as a fan, passing them over smoke from sage, palo santo or incense to energetically cleanse your space or yourself.
  • Daily Draw: Draw a Tarot card each day or each phase of your journey, you can choose to set a specific intention, or ask to receive ‘that which is needed most right now that is not currently known to me’. Feel free to play around with specific questions or insights you wish to receive guidance for.
  • Journaling: After each meditation or ritual, write down any insights or messages that come through while working with the card. How does the card’s energy align with your current path?
  • Symbolism: Engage with the card’s symbolism. Look at different Tarot decks to observe varying representations and interpretations. Focus on animals, plants, colours, expressions, elements, or specific patterns within the card. Reflect on how these symbols resonate with you and what messages they reveal about your current situation.


Practical Element

Should you feel guided, I invite you to sit with the card from the list above that makes you feel the most uncomfortable at this moment. Trust that there’s a reason it may have caught your attention, or perhaps why you skimmed past its explanation, telling yourself it “wasn’t for you.” Instead of avoiding it, let’s take a deeper look. Place a lens over this Tarot card—what emotions does it stir within you? What thoughts come to the surface? Pay attention to the sensations in your body—where do you feel tension, discomfort, or resistance? Often, the cards that challenge us the most are the ones with the greatest lessons to offer. They reflect aspects of ourselves or our lives that we are ready to face, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. Take a moment to breathe deeply, acknowledge what’s coming up, and explore what this card is showing you. Ask yourself: What truth is this card revealing, and how can I use its wisdom to grow?

And so it is x

Priestess Clan Mother

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