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Dance of the Archetypes

The past 6 years have been immense! How did I get here?! Why am I here?! The great cycle of life. The weaving of the threads. The movement of the planets. And the atoms. Merkabah. Lemniscate. Life force. Soul weavings. Journeys within and without. Physical existence. Our beautiful garden of Eden, Mother Earth. Gaia. Oceans. Whales!


Truth & Untruth

Making sense of it all! Is that possible? Descend. Immerse into the body. Into the soma of the situation. The truth of our senses. Being human. Being a part of it. Sovereignty. There are things that have anchored me whilst exploring these realms. Making discoveries that drop in and help to make sense of it all. Surrounded always by signs and omens! A love of astrology has helped. Matched by a deep sense of connection and thankfully grace.


Lilith, Saturn and Dear Neptune

The grand theme of seemingly opposing forces in my astrology placements. This has only really come into my awareness in the past eight months or so. Sitting in the karmic 4th House, representing home and foundations. The root of things. Lilith and Neptune reside here! Opposing them is Saturn. The archetype of limits of body, time, energy, money, death.

How has this played out in my Life? Perhaps I shall write a book one day! In just the last six years, my life has turned upside down, creating chaos, surrounded by chaos. Out of that a new home is being created. One which will need to be protected from bush fires and possibly other things too. A great sense of impermanence. It could all literally burn down! 


Stepping into the Unknown

I gave up my comfortable rented house in a wonderful coastal town and moved, with my children, to a new ‘ intentional community’, rural, very basic, very hot, almost 90 mins from the nearest beach. Thankfully we have a beautiful river. Living in bell tents. I jumped into pioneering without a lot of thought or preparation! No real financial preparation. Nine months later I became a shareholder, and we moved our bell tents to my share. Shortly after the area was ravished by catastrophic bushfire! One hundred dwellings lost in our area. This was shortly followed by flooding, lockdowns and mandates.

At the same time as these events, my journey with the Amazonian Arts had begun. Discovering my personal Archetype. What was the Artisan doing here amidst this desolation and devastation?!


The Cloth of our Creation

Discovering and uncovering these parts to ourselves, the patterns and threads, is a lifelong process. Sometimes we drop threads, to be picked up later, or in need of finishing off. Then there is the back of the woven cloth. How messy is it? Have we tied off all our loose threads?! Crafting requires time and patience. Dedication. Saturn thankfully does help with those things. But I feel I have learnt that the hard way! With Lilith and Neptune taking the lead roles at times. Very messy!


Pathways to Deep Connection and Strength

The ever deepening and evolving journey with sisters in circle and the archetypal warrioresses, the deepening of shamanic practices, the understandings, have held me through these times. I am reminded of this as I sit amongst my thriving borage, the Archeress’s flower, bees buzzing, as the Sun rises and sets. 


A New Day Dawns

As a New Moon in Virgo arrives, what are my intentions?

  • To keep going.
  • To clear my space.
  • To move into our new home.
  • To count my Blessings.

As simple as that!


By Artisan Sarah

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