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Whispers of the Universe

Huntress Weavings: Kundalini, Light Language, Soul Codes

The wind is cold and icy, filling my body with goosebumps and the feeling of wanting to escape. Escape to a place with delicious sun, warming foods, and hand knitted blankets.  

The waves are wild and grey with huge froths that fill the shoreline. The sand flies across the beach hitting my body like tiny pieces of sandpaper, as the tree branches gallop like horses, bounding and bouncing with the wind. 

She has arrived. The early spring winds are here. 

With icy cold hands, wind swept hair, dry lips and freezing feet I type on the keypad. I wonder if I should return home to a warmer space, but the outdoors, the chill, the wind, the sounds, are calling me. 

This month we have been journeying with the Huntress. She reminds us to have the courage to initiate. That we know how to act instinctively and find our own path. I hear her whispers through the sounds around me, through the movement of the trees and the crashing of the waves. I can’t ignore it, especially with Imbolc approaching: the transition point from Winter to Spring. 


And what does she whisper to me? “Soul Codes”


I know exactly what this means. Since the birth of my son 3 years ago I have been in somewhat of a physical ‘slumber’. I have had highs and lows with my health and body, and this winter I have felt that a shift in direction HAS TO HAPPEN! I have lapped up the stillness of the winter, the last leg of my ‘slumber party’ and I now hear the Huntress calling out - ‘demanding’ - crying out to FULLY embody and breathe my soul codes.

Soul codes has various meanings in various contexts. For me these words mean ‘the language of my soul.’ 


What is the language of my soul?

It feels nearly impossible to explain in English, but it shows up for me through the modern ‘coined’ terms: light language and kundalini energy. These are forms of expression and energy that show up intuitively and spontaneously. 

At times when I was in creative space I would enter what felt like a different portal as messages and insights would come through.

When I am connected to these parts of myself it feels like I am dancing effortlessly with the cosmos, where every movement is in rhythm with the universe and every beat of my heart is in sync with the pulse of Mother Earth. I feel tingles of pleasure in every cell of my being, stillness and expansion all at once. My spirit expands as vast as the horizon and as colourful as the most exquisite sunset. I am radiant, full of love, light, and vitality: a clear channel that is attuned to the celestial melody of life itself. Ahhhhhhhh! How divine I must say!!!

I access it, hear it, see it when I am in stillness and presence with myself, when I am attuned to my intuition. 


Kundalini Weavings

Kundalini energy is a form of primal energy located at the base of the spine. This energy rises from the base of the spine through the energy centers along the spine. This kind of awakening and activation can lead to profound spiritual experiences, heightened awareness, and personal transformation.

I had a profound experience with feeling energy surge through my body in my early twenties (almost 20 years ago). Over the years I would experience variations on this again and again at sweat lodges, ashrams, festivals, workshops, relationships, in nature and in my home. I know it to be my ‘kundalini’ and over the years have been blessed to understand this energy more and more through experiences and studies such as mediation, breath-work, nature connection, healing, and creativity.


Light Language Weavings

Light language is a modern term for something that is incredibly ancient. It is the language of your soul, infused with source frequency. Its vibration is deeply healing, bypassing the mind to transmute blocks. We can all access this ancient form of communication through various forms; words, tones, singing, art, movement, healing modalities, and dance. 

For me light language experiences showed up at first in movement in my mid twenties. My hands would move like they were a separate entity, creating shapes and patterns that felt incredibly powerful. Overtime it moved through my body. I would shake or dance and parts of my body would drop into a state of bliss, creating shapes that seemed to be opening and activating personal healing. At times when I was in creative space I would enter what felt like a different portal as messages and insights would come through.

When I was pregnant with my son the light language/soul codes began to come through words, sounds and tone. I would LOVE to take night walks on the beach, and receive sounds, make sounds and move my body in ways that felt so familiar yet ‘otherworldly’, or at least foreign to me in this life. It was at that point where I linked my experiences to the modern day coining ‘light language’.

My soul codes, my kundalini and light language of my soul are paramount in supporting me feel aligned. They clear my energetic blockages, connect me to my blueprint and higher self. 


Soul Code Weavings

So….. here she is. The Huntress is whispering to me through the wind, the trees, the waves and the sand. She speaks to me through my aching, tired, dry winter body as she whispers “Soul Codes”.

I know I am not stepping up and TRULY connecting to my tools and practices that allow my soul to sing. 


So with the arrival of Imbolc 

I say yes to effortlessly dancing with the cosmos
I say yes to syncing with the pulse of Mother Earth
I say yes to pleasure, stillness and expansion
I say yes radiance, love, light and vitality
I say yes to a clear channel
I say yes to attunement to the celestial melody of life 


I know there will be moments where life struggles and commitments will rock my course temporarily… but I hear the Huntress and nature’s whispers loud and clear. 

My soul codes are as important as taking a breath. It is the language of my soul.


This Imbolc I feel the call for all of us. 

So I ask you….

What is the universe whispering to you? 


By Brony Marshall

Clan Mother of the Merciful One

Image copywrite 'Brony Marshall Art'

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