I’ve been navigating some fairly heavy grief these last few moons. My emotional, mental and
physical realms have been in overdrive! It has required a next level kind of holding for myself, as
I swim through my internal landscape of Loss; Pain; and Grief. Holding that this too shall pass;
and that the only way out, is through feeling it all.
In reflection I remember this time two years ago, when everything I valued and loved fell out of my life:
My home
My job
My children
My beloved man
I chose to accept the situation I found myself in and trusted that there was meaning behind my
loss. This gave me the strength to begin on the road towards rebuilding and creating a life that felt more substantial, desirable and aligned. All the while, avoiding the immense pain I felt inside from having to lose so much, all at once, to do it.
During a recent group chat with a mentor, who opened up our wisdom call by speaking to the
grief he...
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