When Vision Mother and Warrior Queen Akhalita first shared the birthing of the Amazonian Arts I felt intrigued as I heard the “rattling of the bones” as she spoke. It excited me, the opportunity to piece together the lost threads and uncover Herstory through studying Warrioress Archetypes.
I jumped at the chance to have my Warrioress reading and did so for my 44th Birthday. I was surprised at how much information Jeanette could tell about me from my birth chart. This reintroduction into astrology was just the beginning of many Beginnings (or re-memberings) that are being ignited along this path. When she shared The Huntress had the most medicine for me I initially felt a bit disappointed. Believing I was the Messenger or Artisan, since these I can see easily expressed in my life. The Huntress felt distant, far too confident and her focus too sharp to resonate with me. A bow and arrow too...
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