I recently had a beautiful experience which demonstrated to me the powerful transformation that is occurring on the planet at present. As many are so aware, we are facing unprecedented times of growth and evolution as we stand in the face of the world's 6th greatest extinction. Our top soil has been washed away from monoculture farming practices as we’re pumping numerous chemicals into our food production and bodies. The waters are polluted as is the blood in our veins, our air is hard to breathe as we drive our cars, praise commercialism and industry growth. These stories are growing very stale and old as so many are fully waking up to chronic physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental crises we can’t ignore any longer. Everything is signalling to us something isn’t right. s so many of us humans have lost connection to self, love of self and others, and of the Earth we live – so are we being presented with countless opportunities to...
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