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Whispers of the Universe

Huntress Weavings: Kundalini, Light Language, Soul Codes

The wind is cold and icy, filling my body with goosebumps and the feeling of wanting to escape. Escape to a place with delicious sun, warming foods, and hand knitted blankets.  

The waves are wild and grey with huge froths that fill the shoreline. The sand flies across the beach hitting my body like tiny pieces of sandpaper, as the tree branches gallop like horses, bounding and bouncing with the wind. 

She has arrived. The early spring winds are here. 

With icy cold hands, wind swept hair, dry lips and freezing feet I type on the keypad. I wonder if I should return home to a warmer space, but the outdoors, the chill, the wind, the sounds, are calling me. 

This month we have been journeying with the Huntress. She reminds us to have the courage to initiate. That we know how to act instinctively and find our own path. I hear her whispers through the sounds around me, through the movement of the trees...

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